What Clients are Saying

I can’t say enough wonderful things about Analyn. I am beyond thankful that I had her by my side when I needed her after having my son. Breastfeeding came with a lot of issues and learning curves, curves you don’t expect. She was there with open arms to make sure I knew I was doing what was best and to make sure I was always okay. She had tips and tricks to get through the tough parts and reminded me to cherish the good moments. I can honestly say Analyn contributed to a beautiful 18 month breastfeeding relationship with my son and I will forever be grateful

-Katie Peters


Can’t say enough positive about this woman, and all that she is/does/is capable of. Analyn fit our doula criteria to a “T”, and then some, for being knowledgable, passionate, confident, reliable and unbiasedly supportive. Also important was her character. She happens to be hugely likeable, and easy to be around, whether you envision needing a calm presence, a good laugh to lighten the mood, or kind and firm reassurance. Analyn was the perfect match for us.

We are so glad we took her up on her postpartum services as well, and it was a joy to watch her comfortably working away in our home cooking, cleaning, organizing with such ease, as well as making friends with our toddler. I highly recommend her! Look no further.

THANK YOU Analyn for being a part of our lil’ guys story!!!

-Carolyn Paterson


Analyn came highly recommended to me and all the moments leading up to the birthing moment until I held my baby girl it became very apparent why!

Analyn is one of the most genuine, heartwarming and intuitive people who have briefly graced my life. She was there for one of my most intimate experiences and I felt with her passion for birthing and knowledge she met every expectation and went above and beyond what any doula is required. 

She gave us great information to help in the weeks leading up to my labour. She was always there to answer our questions and checked in with us regularly in the few days before going to the hospital. She did an exercise with us during one of our prenatal visits where we described our ideal labour and delivery and what we would be willing to trade off if things didn’t go as planned. Analyn provided us with the advantages and disadvantages of different interventions and always respected our wishes. There was never any pressure from her to have a certain type of birth. Her knowledge of about everything birth and postpartum related is very extensive as well as current and up to date. 

She was my mentor, my friend – we laughed, we cried, she cheered me on for my Vbac and even wore a “Vbac without fear” shirt for me.

My first birth experience was a scary one and I really worked hard to prepare my body for another c-section. Analyn made me feel like a vbac was totally possible and with her sincere encouragement it was something I started to consider. I not only was able to have a Vbac but I did it all natural – something I never thought I would have the courage to do! Her support made that possible.

She intuitively knew through my labour what I required and when I required it without even my knowing or thinking to ask. Analyn was also a tremendous source of support to my partner during labor and guided him on how we could help me. I think sometimes we think our partners will be enough support but we forget that they also need support as well! She was knew exactly how to navigate supporting my husband without making him feel overwhelmed or not in the room – she was equally supporting both of us.

I think the best part about having Analyn as our doula was that she was able to capture the moments when everything was a blur. She took photos of the clock for the time of birth and captured our baby girl the first moment she entered this world and I’m so thankful for that! She also brought me food, coffee and folded my laundry while we reminisced over the whole experience!

I recommend Analyn to everyone! She is a true gem! Someone who does this for a living because it aligns with her true sense of who she is.

-Stephanie and Tim Bedford

I’d recommend Analyn as a doula and as a lactation consultant to anyone who is looking for support in those areas. She honoured and respected all my wishes + needs before/during/after my beautiful home birth with my first son. She provided immense support not only at my birth, but played such a key role when I had unforeseen lactation challenges. I definitely had encountered other professionals whom I felt just gave me textbook answers, but I felt Analyn shared wisdom with me. Overall, she’s very approachable and reliable on top of being so knowledgeable in the realms of pregnancy, birth, and lactation. She is just everything I ever wanted (and more) in a doula!
